How to Cope with Postpartum OCD

How to Cope with Postpartum OCD

While many of us have heard of the baby blues and Postpartum Depression (PPD), there are other mental health challenges that women can face after birth. For more information, check out our blog “The Difference Between Baby Blues and Postpartum Depression.” 

One of the lesser known mental health disorders women experience after birth is Postpartum Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Postpartum OCD is similar to OCD that any other child, teen, adult, or senior citizen else can experience, but it also involves thoughts and behaviors specifically about your newborn baby. 

You do not have to struggle with Postpartum OCD on your own. If you believe you are struggling from Postpartum OCD, it is recommended to seek the support of an OCD specialist as soon as possible so you can get the professional care you deserve.

How to Be Okay Not Being in a Relationship

How to Be Okay Not Being in a Relationship

When you are by yourself or single, you may look around and feel like you see the whole world in love. Perhaps that couple sharing ice cream in the park catches your attention. Or you see a married couple holding hands. These experiences can trigger feelings of loneliness within you. 

As if this is not already emotionally exhausting for you, you may have family members or friends who are questioning your relationship status as well. While you may feel tempted to fight against them when comments about your love life are made, you know that will not solve anything or change your situation. You may even be someone who is content being alone! But, if you need a little help getting to the point of being okay with being by yourself, continue reading this blog.

7 Stress Management Tools From a Licensed Therapist

7 Stress Management Tools From a Licensed Therapist

Stress is an inevitable part of life, stemming from various sources such as work, relationships, PTSD and mental health issues and other personal challenges. While some stress can be beneficial, pushing us to perform better and adapt to new situations, chronic stress can have detrimental effects on our physical and mental health. Therefore, effective stress management tools are essential for maintaining overall well-being. This blog explores several proven techniques and strategies to manage stress effectively.

Can PTSD Cause Memory Loss?

Can PTSD Cause Memory Loss?

If you suffer with memory issues, you are not alone. Memory loss is extremely common for people struggling with trauma, especially Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD can impact many facets of your life- emotionally, cognitively, and physically.

One lesser-well known PTSD symptom that people do not often talk about is memory loss. This can include both short-term and long-term memory. There is a direct link between PTSD and memory loss. Lifestyle changes and working with a trauma therapist can help. Keep reading for more information!

How to Support Your Child After They Come Out

How to Support Your Child After They Come Out

If your child or teen comes out to you, how you react deeply matters. Raising children does not come with a manual or how-to guide. It is okay to not know how to react in every and all situations- you have to do what feels right for you and your family

If your child turns to you to reveal that they are LGBTQIA+ and are ready to come out, it is a great sign of trust that they can confide in you for something like this. This is a great sign showcasing their comfort level with you! But even so, you may have some questions or you may be wondering exactly how you should react. There are steps you can take to ensure that you are building a safe, inclusive home for your LGBTQIA+ child or teen.

Can You Be A Successful Entrepreneur and Be In A Relationship?

Can You Be A Successful Entrepreneur and Be In A Relationship?

As an entrepreneur, it is likely that you spend a significant amount of time working on your business. Do you feel like date nights are out of reach for you? If you have a partner, do you feel like you are two ships passing each other in the middle of the night? These are all common facets being in a relationship as a business owner, but you can change this dynamic if it is not working for your relationship.

Just like your business, being in a relationship requires love, care, time, and attention. So, is it possible to manage being a business owner and being in a romantic relationship? Absolutely! Keep reading for more information and tips on growing the relationships in your life, whether romantic or with family and friends, as a business owner.

5 Breathwork Techniques To Decrease Anxiety

5 Breathwork Techniques To Decrease Anxiety

Breath patterns have a direct affect on one’s anxiety levels. Feeling anxious is overwhelming. Any sign of anxiety, whether cognitive or emotional, is uncomfortable, but physical anxiety signs can feel especially frightening, specifically shortness of breath. In fact, many people mistake an anxiety attack for a heart attack because of the severe physical symptoms.

When you feel anxiety building up inside of you, there are techniques out there to bring you back to a calm, balanced base level. One of these calming techniques is breathwork. Breathing exercises can be a long-term strategy for managing your anxiety successfully.

How to Talk to People When You Have Social Anxiety

How to Talk to People When You Have Social Anxiety

Have you ever been in a social situation where you did not know what to say to someone? Perhaps a situation where awkward silence filled the air? If you struggle with Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), then you know just how difficult small talk can be. 

At times, you may get in your own way when it comes to conversing with other people. Social anxiety and your insecurities can lead you to avoid social situations altogether. You may think that your opinions do not matter, or you cannot add any meaningful comments to a discussion. Over time, you can learn to become vulnerable, and connect with the people around you.

How to Start Loving Yourself Again

How to Start Loving Yourself Again

As human beings, we are social creatures. We are told that the relationships we build with other people- from family members and friends to romantic partners- will be an undeniably important part of our life. While this is true, what about the relationship we have with ourselves? It is the most important relationship in our life, yet it is one we neglect regularly.

When you have self-love, you value your own worth and identity. This can include things like accepting yourself exactly how you are and setting boundaries that advance your mental health. Just as you treat other people with kindness, you should show yourself the same love and compassion too. When you learn how to honor yourself, you can nurture your journey of personal growth and self-acceptance.

How to Deal with Trust Issues

How to Deal with Trust Issues

Trust refers to the ability to rely on someone, encompassing that person’s character, strength, and ability to tell the truth. For any relationship to be secure and healthy, trust lays the groundwork. However, things can get in the way which makes trust difficult to achieve in a relationship. Sometimes, trust may not be genuine or present at all.

If one or both partners in a romantic relationship have trust issues, it could lead to them questioning the words and actions of their significant other frequently. Trust issues can also affect you individually, preventing you from stepping out into the romantic world and dating again.

A College Student's Guide to Making the Most Out of Summer Break

A College Student's Guide to Making the Most Out of Summer Break

Summer break time! Finally the semester has come to a close and you can breathe after the immense amount of work put into the last two semesters. You made it, congratulations! College students can finally say goodbye to lectures and exams, and say hello to adventures with friends, vacations, and a temporary escape from academic responsibilities, woohoo!

For many, it's a time of freedom, exploration, and relaxation but oftentimes, navigating the shift to summer break and the significant change from your usual routine can feel daunting. This often leaves you uncertain about maximizing your time away from campus. Remember these feelings are normal and expected and there are ways to combat this. In this blog, we'll dive into various tips and strategies to navigate summer break successfully. I will help you aim for enjoyment, productivity, and self-improvement.

How to Heal from Religious Trauma Syndrome with Religious Trauma Therapy

How to Heal from Religious Trauma Syndrome with Religious Trauma Therapy

Religion is often viewed as a safe space for many people. You meet with a community of people who share the same values and beliefs as you on a regular basis to worship your shared higher power. Religion can be used as a source of guidance for yourself and the group. But, what happens when an individual experiences harm from a religion?

When a religious experience is stressful, degrading, damaging, or abusive, religious trauma can occur. A traumatic religious experience can harm your physical, mental, emotional, sexual, and/or spiritual health.

5 Ways to Nurture Your Mind-Body Connection

5 Ways to Nurture Your Mind-Body Connection

Traditionally, emotional experiences have been largely viewed as completely separate from one’s physical sensations. Clearly, there are some ailments that are entirely physical in nature, such as a broken bone. But, there are some medical concerns that can be linked to stress, anxiety, and additional mental health issues.

The mind-body connection is a powerful force. In a perfect world, the mind and body would always be allies who work together in harmony, but the reality of the situation may not be as clear or perfect. In actuality, the mind and body can sometimes work against each other and the relationship between the two can turn into a confusing one.

Preparing Your Child for Summer Camp: Tips to Help Separation Anxiety

Preparing Your Child for Summer Camp: Tips to Help Separation Anxiety

It's almost that time of year again, summer camp is around the corner. This brings up mixed emotions for kids, parents and families on how to navigate this, especially if it is your first time sending your kids off to camp! Your kid(s) may be anxious and you may be anxious, which is completely normal and expected. Some parents and kids have a harder time adjusting than others and there is nothing wrong with that, oftentimes it is short lived. This blog will explore some tips on how to prepare yourself and your child for summer camp!

4 Ways To Build A Habit That Sticks

4 Ways To Build A Habit That Sticks

The process of building a habit, also referred to as habit formation, is a journey where our behaviors become automatic. Habits can be formed consciously or unconsciously. For example, think of when you first wake up in the morning and you go to reach for your phone- this is likely an unconscious habit. On the other hand, your habit of going for a walk every day is a conscious choice you make. 

Habits can be created or erased to suit your needs and, ultimately, to help you reach your goals. Habits play an extremely important role in your health and well-being. Staying consistent and committed will help you form new habits regardless of how long the journey itself might take you!

Cultivating Good Mental Health for Intuitive Eating

Cultivating Good Mental Health for Intuitive Eating

Intuitive eating is simple. It feels natural. You eat when you are hungry, and stop eating when you are full. No foods are off-limits and common food labels, such as “good” and “bad”, do not exist. You rely on your body’s natural cues to guide your eating, even if it means eating those cookies you once swore off. You honor your cravings instead of wishing them away and being self-critical.

When you practice intuitive eating, you reduce your risk for eating disorder behaviors, improve your behavioral health, enhance your body image, and better your overall quality of life.

5 Ways to Teach Your Child Mindfulness

5 Ways to Teach Your Child Mindfulness

“Mindfulness” is a term that is thrown around a lot, especially in recent years. When we teach children mindfulness, we are giving them the tools they need to manage stress, deal with life transitions, and enhance their self-esteem. Just like adults, children and teens gain a certain skill set by incorporating mindfulness into their lives.

Children’s minds are still being formed as they grow and children are often said to have ‘elastic’ minds. Therefore, they may be more willing to accept mindfulness and put it into practice in comparison to adults and senior citizens. A mindfulness technique, such as moment awareness, becomes natural for children the more that they practice it.

Beyond the Couch: Creating a Welcoming Environment for Therapy Clients

Beyond the Couch: Creating a Welcoming Environment for Therapy Clients

While therapy can be an incredibly transformational space, it can also be a place of discomfort. In fact, after a good therapy session, you may not feel the best. Reliving your trauma, challenging your Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) intrusive thoughts, and learning how to cope with Postpartum Depression (PPD) are not easy things after all. But, it will allow you to live a better quality of life in the long-term. 

With all of that being said, there are steps your therapist can take to ensure your comfort in mental health counseling sessions. In order for therapy to be a successful process for you, vulnerability is key. Honestly sharing your experiences, thoughts, and behaviors with your therapist in a safe space is of the utmost importance.

Embracing Independence: Tools for Overcoming Dependency

Embracing Independence: Tools for Overcoming Dependency

Codependency refers to an unhealthy relationship dynamic where one person is the “giver” while the other person is the “taker.” The “giver” gives up their own needs and sense of welfare to please their partner. It is important to note that codependency does not just occur in romantic relationships, it can occur in other dynamics as well, including familial connections. Think of parent and child relationships and connections with friends.

Codependency can be a learned behavior that is passed down from one generation to another. For instance, your parents may have been in and modeled a codependent relationship and you learned that is the way to form a romantic connection. Codependency is a behavioral and emotional condition that impacts your ability to foster a healthy, satisfying connection with another person. 

People often refer to codependency as a relationship addiction. People who struggle with codependency often form or maintain relationships that are one-sided, emotionally destructive, and even abusive in some cases.