anger for teens

Understanding Miscarriage Trauma

Understanding Miscarriage Trauma

Experiencing a miscarriage can be painful and it is often isolating. It can leave you and your partner to grapple with grief, confusion, and a profound sense of loss. While you may experience physical recovery in days or weeks following the miscarriage, the emotional and psychological effects of it can linger long after. The trauma of losing a pregnancy includes the sadness of an unrealized future along with feelings of guilt, shame, and uncertainty.

In this blog, we will dive into the complex emotions linked to miscarriage trauma, from immediate shock and grief to a long healing journey. We will get into the importance of acknowledging and processing miscarriage trauma while also explaining the significance of seeking professional support. A path toward emotional recovery is totally possible! Whether it is you or someone you know who has experienced a miscarriage, this blog will serve as a valuable tool filled with insights and coping skills to help you navigate this difficult experience.

Anger Management Counseling for Teens

Anger Management Counseling for Teens

Does your teen blow up at any mention of rules and structure? Do you feel like you have to walk on eggshells in your own home? If this resonates with you, you are not alone. The teenage years can be turbulent times. Your teen is going through a lot, trying to figure out their place in the world and what their next steps are as they transition into adulthood.

It is typical for teens to desire more freedom as they get older. You may find that your teen is pushing boundaries which is normal but, in some cases, it can spiral out of control. Anger itself is not a problem as anger is a normal emotion. Instead, your teen may not be able to manage their emotions, including anger, well which is an issue.

Anger can build up over time if someone is passive or does not establish clear boundaries. This may lead to your teen going from 0 to 100 and lashing out on you and other family members. How people react with anger can reveal a lot about their emotional well-being.