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4 Ways to Deal with Election Anxiety in 2024

4 Ways to Deal with Election Anxiety in 2024

Every four years, we get the opportunity to head to the polls and put action behind our voices in choosing the next President of the United States. If it feels like there is a lot of pressure on your shoulders (and your vote), you are not alone. You are making a major decision about the future of your country. What do you want your nation to look like? Do social issues trump financial concerns for you, or vice versa? What is your definition of an ‘ideal America’?

From ongoing political commentary to ruthless banter on social media, it can sometimes be hard to clarify your own values and goals amongst all the noise. If you are feeling anxious about the 2024 United States Presidential Election, you are not the only one. According to the American Psychiatric Association, 73% of United States adults are anxious about the election on top of additional life transitions.

The good news is that, even after the election comes and goes, the world will continue spinning. Your world will continue- you will go to school and/or work, take care of your children and family members, hang out with friends, and so on. But, in the meantime, it is important to reclaim your happiness and peace so your election anxiety does not get the best of you.

Why Is Bed Rotting Okay?

Why Is Bed Rotting Okay?

Bed rotting has quickly emerged as a popular form of self-care amongst members of Generation Z on TikTok and beyond. But, the real question is- is it a healthy form of self-care? 

Mental health experts agree that self-care is necessary to effectively manage stress and to boost your energy, but it also may leave many other people questioning what the line is between self-care and potentially harmful behavior.

7 Stress Management Tools From a Licensed Therapist

7 Stress Management Tools From a Licensed Therapist

Stress is an inevitable part of life, stemming from various sources such as work, relationships, PTSD and mental health issues and other personal challenges. While some stress can be beneficial, pushing us to perform better and adapt to new situations, chronic stress can have detrimental effects on our physical and mental health. Therefore, effective stress management tools are essential for maintaining overall well-being. This blog explores several proven techniques and strategies to manage stress effectively.

4 Ways to Cope with the Sunday Scaries

4 Ways to Cope with the Sunday Scaries

We have all felt it at one point or another. Maybe you are catching up on your favorite reality show on a Sunday night and all of a sudden, the Sunday Scaries creep in. Or maybe you are out with your friends having a ‘Sunday Funday’ when you start to feel the impending doom of your reality- tomorrow is Monday and you will return back to your regularly scheduled program. One moment you can be laughing and joking with your loved ones and, the next second, you are intensely focused on your never-ending to-do list for the upcoming week.

You may become consumed with stressful thoughts, from a not-so-ideal work environment to an upcoming exam. As you may have guessed, experiencing these high levels of stress and anxiety right when you are about to wrap your time off is not healthy.

Whether you call it the Sunday Scaries, the Sunday Blues, or the Dread, they all mean the same thing and they are a very real feeling everyone has experienced. While there is no universal cure for the Sunday Dread, there are some ways to cope.