trauma therapists

Can PTSD Cause Memory Loss?

Can PTSD Cause Memory Loss?

If you suffer with memory issues, you are not alone. Memory loss is extremely common for people struggling with trauma, especially Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD can impact many facets of your life- emotionally, cognitively, and physically.

One lesser-well known PTSD symptom that people do not often talk about is memory loss. This can include both short-term and long-term memory. There is a direct link between PTSD and memory loss. Lifestyle changes and working with a trauma therapist can help. Keep reading for more information!

How to Heal from Religious Trauma Syndrome with Religious Trauma Therapy

How to Heal from Religious Trauma Syndrome with Religious Trauma Therapy

Religion is often viewed as a safe space for many people. You meet with a community of people who share the same values and beliefs as you on a regular basis to worship your shared higher power. Religion can be used as a source of guidance for yourself and the group. But, what happens when an individual experiences harm from a religion?

When a religious experience is stressful, degrading, damaging, or abusive, religious trauma can occur. A traumatic religious experience can harm your physical, mental, emotional, sexual, and/or spiritual health.

Healing Abandonment Trauma with Inner Work

Healing Abandonment Trauma with Inner Work

While abandonment is a very real and prevalent topic in many people’s lives,it may seem like  the abandonment wound goes under the radar in the world of mental health. Abandonment is not necessarily a diagnosable mental health disorder, but that does not mean that abandonment does not cause mental health concerns. In fact, abandonment can trigger a fear or anxiety of the people who are the closest to you, leaving you. 

Struggling with abandonment issues can trigger additional worries in your life, such as the inability to form meaningful relationships with other people. There are many causes of abandonment, from lack of closeness with a parental figure to inconsistent emotional support. Early childhood experiences are one of the largest contributors to developing abandonment problems as an adult.

Everything You Need To Know About Sexual Trauma Therapy

Everything You Need To Know About Sexual Trauma Therapy

Anyone who has experienced physical or sexual violence in their life knows the devastating affects it can have on your psychological well-being and physical self. Even after the sexual trauma has happened, the negative ramifications continue to live on. After your trauma, you may lose faith in humanity, therefore making it more difficult for you to trust people.

Healing from sexual trauma is a highly individualized experience, and there is no timeline put on healing. In order to journey ahead on this emotionally-taxing process, you need to practice time, patience, self-compassion, and locate the right resources, like a trauma therapist.

Insights from Paris Hilton’s Mental Health Healing Journey

Insights from Paris Hilton’s Mental Health Healing Journey

Paris Hilton, an American media personality and businesswoman, made headlines in 2020 when her documentary, This is Paris, premiered. The documentary shed light on intimate details of her personal life, detailing her day-to-day corporate duties and past abuse, resulting in trauma suffered at a series of boarding schools. Reports show that, within the first month of the documentary’s release, it acquired over 16 million views.

Today, Paris has a successful show on the streaming platform Peacock titled Paris in Love. The first season of the show largely focused on Paris finding love with her now-husband Carter Reum and planning their dream wedding. In the second season of Paris in Love, Paris unveils more details about her past, particularly her childhood and shows how her past trauma has impacted her as an adult. Viewers also get to witness Paris going through another major life transition by bringing a baby boy, Phoenix Baron, into the world.