benefits of working with a trauma therapist for religious trauma

Can PTSD Cause Memory Loss?

Can PTSD Cause Memory Loss?

If you suffer with memory issues, you are not alone. Memory loss is extremely common for people struggling with trauma, especially Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD can impact many facets of your life- emotionally, cognitively, and physically.

One lesser-well known PTSD symptom that people do not often talk about is memory loss. This can include both short-term and long-term memory. There is a direct link between PTSD and memory loss. Lifestyle changes and working with a trauma therapist can help. Keep reading for more information!

How to Heal from Religious Trauma Syndrome with Religious Trauma Therapy

How to Heal from Religious Trauma Syndrome with Religious Trauma Therapy

Religion is often viewed as a safe space for many people. You meet with a community of people who share the same values and beliefs as you on a regular basis to worship your shared higher power. Religion can be used as a source of guidance for yourself and the group. But, what happens when an individual experiences harm from a religion?

When a religious experience is stressful, degrading, damaging, or abusive, religious trauma can occur. A traumatic religious experience can harm your physical, mental, emotional, sexual, and/or spiritual health.