career counseling

Career Coaching for Teachers

Career Coaching for Teachers

Teaching is one of the most impactful careers you can have, but the profession also comes along with unique challenges and opportunities for growth. This profession is built on passion, dedication, and the desire to make a difference in the lives of children and teens. However, like any other career, it requires careful navigation. Career counseling for teachers gives you personalized guidance to help you clarify your goals and enhance your skills as an educator. Whether you are looking to advance in your current role or explore opportunities outside the classroom, career coaching can give you support and personalized strategies to succeed.

If you are a teacher who wants to thrive personally and professionally, this is the blog for you! Continue reading this blog to discover practical advice, inspiring insights, and actionable tips to help you achieve your goals and rediscover your passion for your work. From transitioning into a leadership role to working toward a better work-life balance, working with a career counselor at Anchor Therapy will leave you feeling empowered to unlock your true potential and create a fulfilling career. 

Navigating Job Loss with Career Counseling

Navigating Job Loss with Career Counseling

As the 2023 year progressed, Americans witnessed a cooling of the job market which, in turn, caused the self-confidence levels of workers to decrease. High interest rates, inflation, and general financial stress has caused anxiety amongst everyone, including those who are in the process of a job transition.

Whether you have been laid off, downsized, or forced to take an early retirement, losing employment is one of life’s most stressful occurrences. If you recently lost your job, you are not alone. Besides the obvious financial ramifications of losing your job, it can also have a negative impact on your mood, relationships, friendships, and overall mental and emotional health. The lack of clarity you feel when you lose your job is strong but, luckily, there are things you can do to make yourself feel better.

Career Counseling: Can A Therapist Help Me Find The Right Job?

Career Counseling: Can A Therapist Help Me Find The Right Job?

When you are on the hunt for a job, you likely have a lot of thoughts racing through your mind. Maybe you want to find a job that has the same values that you hold. Perhaps you care more about a healthy work-life balance. Whatever your goals are, you probably are not adding “get a therapist” to the never-ending to-do list, but a career counselor can help you with job hunting.

That is to say, you can find solace in an unlikely place during your career search- a therapist’s office. If you are unsure about your professional path, working with a certified career coach can help you outline the best career choices for you according to your personality, interests, and more.

3 Ways to Achieve Work-Life Balance

3 Ways to Achieve Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance has been in the news a lot recently, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether you are a leader at a company or just starting out in your professional life, achieving work-life balance is key to being engaged and happy both while in and out of the office. When you have a healthy work-life balance, you are able to excel at work and take care of your personal needs and responsibilities.

It is very typical for work to take precedence over everything else in our lives. Your own desire to succeed professionally and financially can take you away from your own well-being, family members, and friends. Making sure that you achieve a healthy level of work-life integration is important for not only your career, but your physical, mental, and emotional health as well.

8 Best Jobs For People With Social Anxiety

8 Best Jobs For People With Social Anxiety

When you have Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD), it can be difficult to find a job that you like, let alone a job you excel at. It can seem like almost every job available requires you to closely interact with others on a daily basis. When you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed with social anxiety, the last thing you want to do is work hand-in-hand with other people. But, find peace in knowing that there are jobs out there that are perfect for people with social anxiety!

The best job for someone living with SAD is a job that lets you pursue your dreams and expand your skills while not risking your mental wellbeing. Some of these jobs may include working with a few people instead of overwhelmingly large groups. On the other hand, if you have social anxiety and are looking to challenge yourself, you may find it more beneficial to take a job that pushes you outside of your comfort zone.

Before we dive into the best jobs for people with social anxiety, let us talk about what social anxiety exactly is…

Career Counseling: Protect Your Mental Health During A Job Change

Career Counseling: Protect Your Mental Health During A Job Change

Are you uninterested in your current job? Do you dislike your workplace with a passion? If you answered “yes” to either or both of these questions, it is time to get real with yourself. Why do you stay at a job that you hate?

While there are many reasons why you may make the active decision to stay at a job you dislike, one of the biggest factors is likely financial security and general fear. While you may think that staying at this job is the right choice, you are not doing yourself any favors. Even if you examine your job positively and try to focus on the benefits, you can still do damage to your mental health if the cons outweigh the advantages.

Maybe a career shift is right for you, but it is an understandably scary process! It can be a time of great uncertainty which can fuel any existing mental health problems. If you are looking to change professional paths, safeguarding your mental health is essential.

For many people, our jobs can unfortunately be a factor that contributes to one’s poor mental health. However, the negative impact that your job has on your well-being can be corrected when you decide to make the brave choice to walk away from a toxic work environment or, generally, a job that does not serve you.

When Is It Time To Quit A Job?

When Is It Time To Quit A Job?

It seems like everywhere you turn, people are talking about “The Great Resignation.” Simply, “The Great Resignation” refers to the economic trend where people are voluntarily resigning from their respective jobs. Therefore, the subject of quitting has never been more popular. While there are many reasons why people may quit their jobs, the most common causes we are seeing are that the job fails to meet the employee’s needs or the job negatively impacts the employee’s mental health.

Safeguarding your mental health at work is undeniably important; however, it has become increasingly hard to do. With electronic devices that provide immediate connection, it is easy to feel like you must always be on the clock. As it already is, we spend a considerable amount of time at work, and the emotional effects of working can transfer into our personal lives. It is crucial to know when to quit your job to protect your mental health.

How To Manage Stress While Working In The Financial Industry

How To Manage Stress While Working In The Financial Industry

Having a career in the financial industry can be challenging to say the least. Long hours, constant pressure, intense competition, and short term deadlines tend to be the norm in the business. Company culture tries to support a work-life balance, but often you find yourself not even able to get up to go to the bathroom, let alone think about self-care!

Today, due to COVID-19, you find that there is more stress at work. The financial industry is constantly changing with the concerns over the impact of COVID-19 on the market and businesses. Companies are trying to find a way to operate on the bare minimum to save money, resulting in less staff and resources. You find your work load is increasing and you are feeling stretched to the limit. Not only are you trying to accomplish work demands, but you are also trying to adjust to working from home. The already fine line between work and home life has become blurred. Vacations are basically non-existent and socializing is limited. With high expectations, limited time off and constant access to your work at home, how do you manage it all? When do you give yourself a break?

Top Reasons Depression Is Increasing For Athletes During COVID-19

Top Reasons Depression Is Increasing For Athletes During COVID-19

The pandemic has been a difficult time for everyone, but one group of people who are experiencing increased symptoms of depression are athletes. Since March 2020, most sports were completely cancelled. Now that the fall is starting up with a new sports season, some sports are able to return. But a lot of sports remain cancelled or postponed. Athletes find a lot of purpose, motivation, and validation from competing in their sport. Due to COVID-19, this may be the first time in many years that an athlete does not have their sport to train for and feels empty.

How To Reclaim Your Work-Life Balance During COVID-19 [Part 2]

How To Reclaim Your Work-Life Balance During COVID-19 [Part 2]

A lot of people are having difficulty finding a balance between work life and personal life when operating both from the same space. As working from home continues for most due to COVID-19, this ever-looming concern becomes more and more apparent. While most people did not expect to work from home for this long, it is likely to continue for a longer period of time. As a mental health professional, I list some tips that i tell my clients which can also help you make it through this difficult time.

Anchor Therapy Is Expanding Counseling Services in Hoboken, NJ!

Anchor Therapy Is Expanding Counseling Services in Hoboken, NJ!

At Anchor Therapy, located in Hoboken, NJ, we are currently accepting new clients and are now providing telehealth (video & phone) sessions for residents of New Jersey and New York.

How To Reclaim Your Work-Life Balance During COVID-19

How To Reclaim Your Work-Life Balance During COVID-19

Over the last few months I have been hearing one issue time and time again for many, if not all, of my clients attending therapy who are working from home: the difficulty between finding a balance between work life and personal life when operating both from the same space. As we approach the 6th month of working from home due to COVID-19, this ever-looming concern becomes more and more apparent. While most did not anticipate working from home for this long, it seems as if this is a likely reality for many moving forward. (Google just announced their workers would be working from home until summer 2021).

How To Support Your LGBTQ+ Teen

How To Support Your LGBTQ+ Teen

Your pre-teen and teenage years are filled with time of exploring the world and how you fit in it. Identity becomes a huge topic of exploration for most teens. Your teen may be contemplating anything from as simple as their future career goals up to their gender identity or sexual orientation. This is typically a time that you may find your teen to come out to you by identifying as being a part of the LGBTQ+ community. As a parent, no matter how accepting you are, this may come as a surprise to you and it may take some time to process. Once you have processed this new information, you can then take some extra steps to support your teen as they navigate their new identity and grow into an adult.

9 Normal Human Responses To A Global Pandemic

9 Normal Human Responses To A Global Pandemic

After 2 months of experiencing stay-at-home orders, you may start to find yourself feeling not your normal self. A lot of people feel alone in how they are experiencing the impact of the global pandemic of the spread of COVID-19. While everyone does have a different life experience, we are all experiencing this trauma together. This is an event that is different than anything we have ever gone through before since it is an ongoing situation that is impacting everyone drastically. You may have experienced a loss in your job, a loved one, or you are isolated from others. Parents have become home school teachers while trying to continue to maintain their own jobs if possible. This is a time to survive and not to thrive. It is okay to not feel your best self or your most productive right now. Below are some things that you may feel during this pandemic that are completely normal to experience at this time and some ways how to help yourself.

11 Tips To Working From Home If You Have Anxiety or Depression

11 Tips To Working From Home If You Have Anxiety or Depression

Millions of people experience anxiety and/or depression in their lifetime. Due to the spread of COVID-19, we have been physically isolated from others. This has caused a spike in mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. In addition to these increasing symptoms of anxiety and depression, you are expected to work your full-time job from home (if you are lucky enough that your job allows you to make this transition). It has become difficult to manage your mental health along with this major adjustment of working from home. Below I will go through realistic tips on how you can manage working from home if you are also experiencing any level of anxiety and/or depression.

How To Practice Self-Care During COVID-19 Isolation

How To Practice Self-Care During COVID-19 Isolation

Hoboken, along with the states of New Jersey and New York, has been doing a great job in taking the lead in the country with rules around self-isolation and staying at home. However, this self-isolation is going to have a huge impact on everyone’s mental health as it is projected to continue longer than one month. It is important to look out for signs of depression, anxiety, increased disordered eating behaviors, OCD, and substance abuse at this time. Please remember that you are doing Hoboken, or your community, an amazing service by staying inside. But as you practice this self-isolation, you will most likely see a decline in your mental health. It is really important to take care of your mental health (more than ever!) during this time. Below are some ways in which you can do just that.

All You Need To Know About Telehealth Mental Health Therapy Services

All You Need To Know About Telehealth Mental Health Therapy Services

Due to the spread of the covid-19 virus, we have transitioned to telehealth sessions only until it is safe to go back to in-person sessions. most mental health professionals and other businesses are making the shift to work from home to stop the spread of the coronavirus. luckily mental health has always been effective through telehealth sessions. research actually shows that telehealth sessions are just as beneficial as in-person sessions. at anchor therapy, we want to help flatten the curve as much as possible so that our hospitals hopefully do not get overrun. below is all the information you need to know about telehealth for mental health therapy sessions.

What To Do After You Binge Eat

What To Do After You Binge Eat

A lot of people experience binge eating in their life and a good majority of those people feel terrible after it happens. It is possible to experience binge eating once in awhile and that would not be classified as a Binge Eating Disorder. whether or not you have a binge eating disorder, it is still important to have a plan after you experience a binge.

8 Ways To Beat Seasonal Depression

8 Ways To Beat Seasonal Depression

This time of year can be hard on a lot of people as the days get shorter and the weather gets colder. Seasonal depressive disorder is a real thing. It means that you feel more down, lethargic, and depressed during a specific time of the year. For most people with seasonal depressive disorder, this falls during the winter time. Usually the winter comes with less sunlight and colder temperatures that isolate you inside. Without nice weather that entices you to go outside, it can be hard to feel motivated to stay active and do things you usually enjoy doing.