professional athlete

Starting A Conversation About Mental Health with Simone Biles and Naomi Osaka

Starting A Conversation About Mental Health with Simone Biles and Naomi Osaka

The world experienced an alarming and devastating international health crisis known as COVID-19 or Coronavirus. While this pandemic was consistently reported on, there was another catastrophe taking place at the same time- a mental health crisis. It was common for people to experience anxiety due to COVID-19 and its unknown long-term effects. If you need assistance managing post-pandemic anxiety, check out our past blog post, “How To Return To ‘Normal’ With Post Pandemic Anxiety”. Understandably, the pandemic has impacted each one of our lives in unique ways. We have had to respond to stressful and overwhelming situations that have caused troubling emotions. Luckily, we all can cope with stress in a healthy way which can make us more resilient.

Within recent years, there has been a widespread movement to dissolve the negative connotation surrounding mental health. Compassion, education, and personal attitudes towards mental health have successfully confronted the mental health stigma. The mental health stigma has been addressed and challenged by many, including athletes. Recently, Simone Biles, an American gymnast, and Naomi Osaka, a Japanese professional tennis player, have opened the doors for open conservations surrounding mental health. The brave decision on behalf of both of these women is actively altering the ‘norms’ of professional sports and people with celebrity status.

Top Reasons Depression Is Increasing For Athletes During COVID-19

Top Reasons Depression Is Increasing For Athletes During COVID-19

The pandemic has been a difficult time for everyone, but one group of people who are experiencing increased symptoms of depression are athletes. Since March 2020, most sports were completely cancelled. Now that the fall is starting up with a new sports season, some sports are able to return. But a lot of sports remain cancelled or postponed. Athletes find a lot of purpose, motivation, and validation from competing in their sport. Due to COVID-19, this may be the first time in many years that an athlete does not have their sport to train for and feels empty.

How Counseling Can Help Your Career

How Counseling Can Help Your Career

Career counseling is something that you can get from seeing a psychotherapist. Usually people who need help or guidance with their career path will turn to a business coach or a career coach. While a coach can definitely be helpful, they will not be able to sort through the emotional side of your decision making. They are not licensed professionals who can help decrease your stress during this process. As psychotherapists, we are trained to help our clients figure out not only their future goals but the best way that will get them there based on where they’re at currently. That usually looks different for each person.

Life Of The Retired Athlete: How To Fight Depression And Anxiety

Life Of The Retired Athlete: How To Fight Depression And Anxiety

Professional athletes face a high risk of experiencing mental health issues including depression, anxiety, and substance abuse after they retire. The research shows that elite athletes spend most of their lives focused on perfecting themselves so that they can be the best of the best at their sport. There is usually a specific end goal of winning a championship or even an Olympic medal. Most athletes reach their peak at a young age and retire from their competitive sport early in life. Nowadays, there are a lot of opportunities for athletes to get a degree while pursuing their professional sport so that they are left with other options for a career when they retire. Most professional athletes are used to earning a large income and are given free perks throughout their career. They are used to receiving attention and are noticed by the public. Once they retire this may disappear. They may find it hard to keep up with the lifestyle they once had easy access to. IT can feel devastating to watch your social media follower number decrease over time. These are some factors that can contribute to a retired athlete to feel unfulfilled. This may lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, and they may turn to substance use to help mask these feelings.