jersey city nj

Do Affirmations Really Work?

Do Affirmations Really Work?

Let us face the truth of the matter- sometimes standing in front of a mirror and telling yourself all of these really wonderful things when it does not match how you are feeling inside seems pointless. There is an obvious disconnect in the moment; however, affirmations do promote self-confidence over an extended period of time and usage. For more information, read “5 Ways to Build Self-Confidence.”

Affirmations are an effective way to manage and alter any unhelpful and/or negative thoughts or behavior patterns you may be experiencing. During challenging times, affirmations can enhance your self-esteem and confidence. By using affirmations daily, you will begin to conquer your fears and self-sabotaging tendencies as well as mitigate your stress and anxiety.

Overcoming the Trap of Toxic Positivity

Overcoming the Trap of Toxic Positivity

When someone is going through a difficult life transition, you may want to jump to offering words of wisdom or encourage them to focus on the positive. After all, positivity is a good thing, right? While positivity refers to the practice of being optimistic, the pressure to be positive no matter what is going on in your life can go wrong, causing serious issues down the road.

If you adopt a mindset of toxic positivity, you believe that everything is okay when, in reality, it is not. In a world filled with social comparison, you may feel pressure to create the illusion or even make yourself believe that everything is going fine, but life is much more complicated than that. Life is not always going to be all rainbows and butterflies and, once you accept that, you can see that there is beauty in that and in ditching the mindset of toxic positivity!

Is It Normal To Feel Worse After A Therapy Session?

Is It Normal To Feel Worse After A Therapy Session?

Your 45-minute weekly session with your licensed mental health counselor is coming to an end, but your feelings are not magically going to go away. In fact, you feel horrible after chatting with your therapist. Now, you feel frustrated and maybe worse than before you started mental health counseling. After all, therapy is supposed to make you feel better, right?

But, do not worry! It is normal to feel bad after your counseling session, especially if you are in the beginning stages of your therapeutic journey of self-improvement. Although it may sound counterintuitive, feeling bad after therapy can actually be a good sign as it shows that you are really putting the work into your emotional health, dealing with difficult emotions and discussing past traumas

5 Common Stereotypes You Should Know About Online Therapists

5 Common Stereotypes You Should Know About Online Therapists

Online mental health counseling, commonly referred to as teletherapy or telehealth, has been around for quite some time, but has grown in popularity and usage during the COVID-19 pandemic to help ensure everyone’s safety and health. Typically, teletherapy is simply counseling offered via phone call or a video platform. It is used for many types of therapy, and has proven to be just as effective as in-person counseling.

Telehealth mental health counseling may have started for many practices as a convenient alternative to in-person sessions, but it has quickly become a staple in the mental health community.

4 Ways to Cope with Postpartum Depression (PPD)

4 Ways to Cope with Postpartum Depression (PPD)

When you experience the miracle and joy of childbirth, you can expect a lot of powerful emotions. You may feel excited, overwhelmed, fearful, or even anxious, but one emotion you do not expect to feel is depressed. Having a baby is a life-changing life transition. It is normal to experience worry or doubt, especially as a first-time parent; however, more extreme symptoms, such as severe mood swings and frequent crying spells, may signal that you are struggling with Postpartum Depression, often referred to as PPD.

PPD is a type of depression that occurs after someone gives birth. It is important to note that postpartum depression does not just impact the birthing person- it can also impact the other parent, surrogates, and adoptive parents. After having a baby, adults can experience hormonal, physical, emotional, financial, and social changes. These changes can trigger symptoms of PPD.

If you have PPD, please know that you are not alone. It is not your fault, and there are PPD therapists out there who can assist you, making you feel like your best self again. When you work with a therapist for PPD, you can learn how to effectively manage your symptoms.

Anchor Therapy Is Expanding Counseling Services in Hoboken, NJ!

Anchor Therapy Is Expanding Counseling Services in Hoboken, NJ!

At Anchor Therapy, we are currently accepting new clients and are now providing telehealth (video & phone) sessions for residents of New Jersey and New York as well as in-person sessions at our new office in downtown Hoboken, NJ! Anchor Therapy is a counseling center in Hoboken, NJ with psychotherapists specialized in helping children, teens, adults, and couples with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, trauma, substance abuse, addiction, identity, and life transitions.

How To Return To "Normal" With Post Pandemic Anxiety

How To Return To "Normal" With Post Pandemic Anxiety

As we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel with the COVID-19 pandemic some people are starting to experience anxiety about having to return to their “normal” life. Since the pandemic lasted over a year, a lot of people have adjusted to a new normal that they’re now comfortable with. Because we have been told to stay home more and physically socially distance from others, it has led to people spending more and more time with the family they live with and people in their quarantine bubble. A lot of people had the luxury of working from home or anywhere that they can get access to WiFi. This led many people to move to a new location since they could truly work from anywhere. Now that millions of Americans are getting vaccinated, businesses and people in general are starting to discuss how they will operate after the COVID-19 is no longer a high risk. The thought about returning to normal has caused many people to feel anxious about making this transition.

Top Reasons Depression Is Increasing For Athletes During COVID-19

Top Reasons Depression Is Increasing For Athletes During COVID-19

The pandemic has been a difficult time for everyone, but one group of people who are experiencing increased symptoms of depression are athletes. Since March 2020, most sports were completely cancelled. Now that the fall is starting up with a new sports season, some sports are able to return. But a lot of sports remain cancelled or postponed. Athletes find a lot of purpose, motivation, and validation from competing in their sport. Due to COVID-19, this may be the first time in many years that an athlete does not have their sport to train for and feels empty.

Courtney Glashow, LCSW quoted in Well + Good!

Courtney Glashow, LCSW quoted in Well + Good!

Anchor Therapy's founder and psychotherapist, Courtney Glashow, LCSW, has been quoted in Well + Good! 

Courtney discusses that comparing yourself to others does not always have to be a negative thing. 

What Is An Anxiety Attack & How Do I Prevent It From Happening Again?

What Is An Anxiety Attack & How Do I Prevent It From Happening Again?

Do you feel you have anxiety and experience anxiety attacks? Are you too nervous to see a therapist?

Courtney Glashow, LCSW quoted in Well + Good!

Courtney Glashow, LCSW quoted in Well + Good!

Anchor Therapy's founder and psychotherapist, Courtney Glashow, LCSW, has been quoted in Well + Good! 

Courtney discusses the difference between a toxic friendship and a supportive, positive friendship. Courtney helps distinguish the signs of a toxic friendship and what to do once you realize you are in one.

Courtney Glashow, LCSW quoted in Well + Good!

Courtney Glashow, LCSW quoted in Well + Good!

Our founder and psychotherapist, Courtney Glashow, LCSW, has been quoted in Well + Good! 

Courtney discusses how to help a loved one who is coping with depression. 

Check out the article here!

10 Ways to Self Diagnose an Anxiety Disorder

10 Ways to Self Diagnose an Anxiety Disorder

Do you find yourself feeling anxious, nervous, identify as "type A", or feel you have OCD? Do your friends, family, or others tell you that you are too "wound up"? Is it possible for a child to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder?

Do Fidget Spinners Really Help With Anxiety?

Do Fidget Spinners Really Help With Anxiety?

The new hot topic has been fidget spinners. Should I buy one for my child? Should I allow students to have them in the classroom? Does it help college students focus? Will it stop me from having a panic attack? What the heck even IS a fidget spinner?


Welcome to Anchor Therapy's new blog section! I will be posting modern psychology information and tips. Some topics will include how you can feel less anxious, about telehealth sessions (video therapy), and how mental health is viewed in media & pop culture today. Feel free to add your email to the subscription list down below. 

Look out for new blog posts coming soon!

Courtney Glashow, LCSW