Play Therapy Page

5 Ways to Teach Your Child Mindfulness

5 Ways to Teach Your Child Mindfulness

“Mindfulness” is a term that is thrown around a lot, especially in recent years. When we teach children mindfulness, we are giving them the tools they need to manage stress, deal with life transitions, and enhance their self-esteem. Just like adults, children and teens gain a certain skill set by incorporating mindfulness into their lives.

Children’s minds are still being formed as they grow and children are often said to have ‘elastic’ minds. Therefore, they may be more willing to accept mindfulness and put it into practice in comparison to adults and senior citizens. A mindfulness technique, such as moment awareness, becomes natural for children the more that they practice it.

Stepparenting Family Therapy in New Jersey

Stepparenting Family Therapy in New Jersey

A stepfamily forms when one or two adults in a new romantic relationship have children from a previous relationship. On the outside, you may look like a normal, traditional family but, on the inside, there are complex dynamics which can make parenting look a little different than usual. 

If you are working to strengthen the bond of connection between a parent or step-parent, you have to understand the differences between stepfamilies versus first-time families. Your previous marriage or relationship with your child’s other parent may have ended in divorce or be the result of a major, traumatic life transition, like the death of a loved one. There also may be changes in your new relationship dynamic. For example, you may have previously been in a heterosexual relationship and, now, you may be in a homosexual relationship.

5 Different Types Of Play Therapy And How They Can Help Your Child

5 Different Types Of Play Therapy And How They Can Help Your Child

Finding the right therapy that works for your child or teen can be tricky. Every child is unique and may have different goals, attention spans, and levels of maturity. Children may complain about going to therapy because they may not fully understand how it can help them - or they may not realize that they need help at all. As their parent, all you want to do is get your child the help they need. Kids like to engage in things that entertain them. Children can have short attention spans and it can be hard to keep them focused. Introversion and shyness is another thing that many adolescents may struggle with. 

Therapy can help with things like developing coping skills, communication tactics, realistic life goals, and helping you to achieve the best version of yourself. When a child is going through a negative feeling, experience, and/or mindset they may not even fully understand that they’re being negatively affected. Therapy can help your child in many different ways.

8 Video Games That Help With Stress Relief

8 Video Games That Help With Stress Relief

There are many different opinions on video games and how they really affect the player. For example, there are arguments that violent games can be harmful for young children. However, there are many different genres and styles of games just like other forms of media. The spectrum of playability is so broad that to one person, a game can be easy and replayable, and to another the game can be hard and stressful. On a positive note, there are many games that have been deemed stress-relieving by many different sources. 

As a broad genre, it’s easy to refer to many of these soothing games as CasualGames. Casual games differ from hardcore games because they are marketed towards a broader audience - an audience that generally enjoys simpler rules, less-tasking gameplay, simpler controls, and games in general that don’t require too much skill. When having feelings of stress and anxiety, for some, it’s nice to use something to wind down, something calming. Here’s a list of 8 casual games that you can play to help with stress relief. This list includes popular games, underrated games, and games that support multiple players.

How Play Therapy Can Improve Your Child’s Mental Health

How Play Therapy Can Improve Your Child’s Mental Health

Play therapy is a form of therapy primarily used for children. Due to their age, many children are unable to process their own emotions and articulate their problems to parents or other adults. Therefore, play therapy swoops in to save the day!

While, on the surface, play therapy may just look like normal playtime, it is actually so much more than that. A trained child therapist uses playtime to observe and gain insight into your child’s issues. Your play therapist for kids helps your child explore their emotions and even deal with any unresolved trauma they may be experiencing. Through play, your child learns how to redirect any inappropriate behavior and gains new coping skills that you can utilize through many life transitions.

Is Art Therapy Actually Effective?

Is Art Therapy Actually Effective?

How can painting or coloring really provide insight into your mental health? Is a drawing you created actually representative of your mental state? Is sculpting truly a form of self-expression? If you have ever asked yourself any of these questions or simply wondered if art therapy is for you, continue reading this blog for more information!

Art is merely more than an outlet for your creativity. At its core, it is a channel for self-expression and understanding. In art therapy, your licensed art therapist will teach you how to unveil your artwork to discover deeper messages and symbols. By examining the psychological method behind your creations, an art therapist near you assists you in identifying your concealed feelings. Contrary to the belief of some people, art therapy is a proven, effective method for mental health issues and it can help you reveal different aspects of your own identity.

How Does Child Play Therapy Work?

How Does Child Play Therapy Work?

As an adult, when you are not feeling as if you are performing at an optimal level or you stop trying hard to be the best version of yourself, it is possible to express the situations and/or emotions that are negatively impacting you. Although it may not always be easy, adults have the ability to recognize and communicate any emotional or mental health problems they may be going through. On the other hand, children do not have that capacity. While some children may simply be too young to be able to reveal their feelings, there are several reasons why emotional disclosure may not be occurring. Some children may struggle to verbally express themselves, some may be introverted, and some may feel too vulnerable sharing their troubles. While adults express themselves by talking, children speak the language of play. Therefore, play therapy can be extremely helpful in assisting in the exploration of your child’s worries since it is an activity that feels comfortable to them.

Child play therapy is a type of therapy tailored for children. This form of child counseling uses play to investigate children’s emotional and mental health problems. Children survey their feelings through play and share them with their therapist. Play therapy counseling is an effective approach to kid therapy that enhances children’s standard communication and learning processes. Child play therapy gives kids the opportunity to explore their emotions while creating solutions to their problems. Many children are frightened by the typical hospital or clinical environment or unwilling to express their emotions in this type of setting, so play therapy is the perfect resolution!

3 Ways to Help Your Child Express and Manage their Emotions

3 Ways to Help Your Child Express and Manage their Emotions

While parenting is one of the most rewarding gifts in the world, it can be undoubtedly difficult at times, particularly if you are dealing with a child who may act out. Meltdowns happen, especially with toddlers, but, for some children, emotional outbursts and impulsive reactions may persist. Crying is a normal response to overwhelming feelings, such as stress, irritability, and fright, regardless of age; however, some children may cry more often, get excessively passionate, and reach a level of annoyance quicker than other kids.

Emotional control is the capacity to govern emotions to:

  • Reach goals

  • Finish duties or chores

  • Manage behavior

10 Ways To Help Your Child Calm Down

10 Ways To Help Your Child Calm Down

Does your child have temper tantrums, feel anxious, and cannot be calmed down? As a parent, do you feel you've tried everything you could to calm your child down? As a psychotherapist in Hoboken, NJ I specialize in helping children and teens express themselves in appropriate ways. I like to teach children self soothing actions they can do on their own at home. 

Is My Child Clinically Depressed?

Is My Child Clinically Depressed?


What Is Play Therapy and How Can It Help My Child?

What Is Play Therapy and How Can It Help My Child?

How can playing with games and toys help my child's mental health? Am I paying for a glorified babysitter? Why does my child say therapy is fun? 

Do Fidget Spinners Really Help With Anxiety?

Do Fidget Spinners Really Help With Anxiety?

The new hot topic has been fidget spinners. Should I buy one for my child? Should I allow students to have them in the classroom? Does it help college students focus? Will it stop me from having a panic attack? What the heck even IS a fidget spinner?