cbt therapist

What conditions may be treated with CBT therapy near me?

What conditions may be treated with CBT therapy near me?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, often simply referred to as CBT, is a type of structured talk therapy that is structured and goal-oriented. Mental health professionals, from psychologists to psychotherapists and counselors, use CBT to treat or manage a range of mental health conditions and/or emotional concerns. 

If you are someone who is starting off in your journey of trying to find a therapist near you, you likely have come across CBT therapy. For support in this journey, read “How to Find the Best Therapist Near Me.” CBT is often referred to as the gold standard of mental health counseling as it is one of the most common and best-studied forms of mental health therapy.

Why Do I Get Anxiety In The Summer?

Why Do I Get Anxiety In The Summer?

As many of us know, weather and the changing of seasons can certainly affect our mood. Dark skies and cold temperatures that plague the winter doom can trigger Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as SAD, and depression. If you are struggling with this, check out our blog “What is Seasonal Affective Disorder and How Is It Treated?”. 

While many people, especially children and teens, look forward to the summer months, warm weather can negatively affect people too. Summer anxiety is a major issue that many people can deal with. By working with an anxiety therapist at Anchor Therapy, you can overcome your anxious thoughts and make the most out of your summer!

5 Ways to Nurture Your Mind-Body Connection

5 Ways to Nurture Your Mind-Body Connection

Traditionally, emotional experiences have been largely viewed as completely separate from one’s physical sensations. Clearly, there are some ailments that are entirely physical in nature, such as a broken bone. But, there are some medical concerns that can be linked to stress, anxiety, and additional mental health issues.

The mind-body connection is a powerful force. In a perfect world, the mind and body would always be allies who work together in harmony, but the reality of the situation may not be as clear or perfect. In actuality, the mind and body can sometimes work against each other and the relationship between the two can turn into a confusing one.

4 Ways To Build A Habit That Sticks

4 Ways To Build A Habit That Sticks

The process of building a habit, also referred to as habit formation, is a journey where our behaviors become automatic. Habits can be formed consciously or unconsciously. For example, think of when you first wake up in the morning and you go to reach for your phone- this is likely an unconscious habit. On the other hand, your habit of going for a walk every day is a conscious choice you make. 

Habits can be created or erased to suit your needs and, ultimately, to help you reach your goals. Habits play an extremely important role in your health and well-being. Staying consistent and committed will help you form new habits regardless of how long the journey itself might take you!