bergen county therapist

How to Deal with Trust Issues

How to Deal with Trust Issues

Trust refers to the ability to rely on someone, encompassing that person’s character, strength, and ability to tell the truth. For any relationship to be secure and healthy, trust lays the groundwork. However, things can get in the way which makes trust difficult to achieve in a relationship. Sometimes, trust may not be genuine or present at all.

If one or both partners in a romantic relationship have trust issues, it could lead to them questioning the words and actions of their significant other frequently. Trust issues can also affect you individually, preventing you from stepping out into the romantic world and dating again.

The Impact of the Friendship Recession on Mental Well-being

The Impact of the Friendship Recession on Mental Well-being

You work every day in a virtual environment. You scroll endlessly on social media. You are surrounded by people at the gym. So, why do you feel lonely?

Before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, loneliness was already on the rise. In fact, loneliness was considered a public health concern in 2017. The United States Surgeon General even declared a loneliness epidemic, leading to a friendship recession as well. For more information on the loneliness epidemic, check out our blog “How to Battle the Loneliness Epidemic.”

5 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Rejection

5 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Rejection

When you have a fear of rejection, it is an irrational, continuous fear of social exclusion. You may even be someone who struggles with a social phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder, often referred to simply as SAD. Luckily, there are many things you can do to build your self-confidence and overcome your fear of rejection.

The fear of rejection is a very powerful form of dread that can stop you from living life to the fullest. For example, as a teenager, you may be so afraid of rejection that you do not even apply to your dream college. Similarly, as an adult, you may avoid applying to the job of your dreams since, in your mind, having no answer is better than hearing a “no.” This fear of rejection can even seep into your personal life. For instance, it may stop you from asking that person you really like out on a date due to your fear that he or she will deny you. For some support, check out our blog “How to Cope with Dating Anxiety.”

When you are in a situation that could lead to rejection, it is normal to feel nervous, but these feelings should not consume you. As you let your fear of rejection grow, more areas of your life will become impacted.

5 Ways to Cope With A Narcissistic Parent

5 Ways to Cope With A Narcissistic Parent

Narcissistic parents can be very controlling, critical, and possessive of their own children. One of the biggest fears of a narcissistic parent is that their child will become independent of them. In order to prevent this from happening, a narcissistic parent will humiliate their children or shame them. 

A narcissistic parent may be self-centered and/or seek attention from external sources. If you have a narcissistic mother or a narcissistic father, you may wonder how you should interact with them and how your family will be able to function moving forward. Keeping a relationship with your parent(s) does not mean giving up your own mental and emotional well-being.

7 Ways An Anger Management Therapist Can Help You Control Your Road Rage

7 Ways An Anger Management Therapist Can Help You Control Your Road Rage

When you get your driver’s license, your world expands. You no longer have to rely on public transportation or other people to get you from point A to point B but, with that being said, there is also a new world of responsibilities that come along with this life transition. With a driver’s license, you can visit family and friends, uncover your independence, and explore new places. Cars offer freedom, but it comes at a price, like requiring you to have the ability to regulate your emotions.

Road rage is a problem that is alive and well in the United States. Road rage has inspired more serious issues, like significant injuries, property damage, and even death. Many car accidents involve some type of unsafe driving behavior, like “road rage” or aggressive driving. If you find yourself being filled with anger when you drive and participating in rage-motivated, unsafe driving behaviors, it is important to get to the root cause of this issue to resolve it so you can keep yourself and other people on the road safe.

The Psychology of Situationships: Are They Toxic?

The Psychology of Situationships: Are They Toxic?

If you have ever been with someone, but not really with someone, then you have likely been in a situationship. You are more than friends but you are not exactly in a relationship. You are making last-minute plans, talking inconsistently, and your romantic connection is not exactly defined. In modern culture, casual relationships are extremely common. What was first known as a “booty call” morphed into “friends with benefits” and it is now known as a “situationship.”

If it was a movie, you and your situationship would witness the blossoming of friendship into an official romantic relationship. You two would fall in love and live happily ever after. But, as you may have guessed, life is not a picture-perfect movie and things do not always work out as you wish they would. The real question is - are situationships unhealthy?

How to Overcome Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

How to Overcome Revenge Bedtime Procrastination

We have all been there before. Perhaps you just worked a 12-hour shift and, instead of getting the beauty rest you need and deserve, you decide to scroll on TikTok for a few hours to decompress. Maybe you have a big presentation at work in the morning but, instead of sleeping, you decide to binge watch your favorite show on Netflix for hours on end.

After a jam-packed day of performing work or family responsibilities, it is understandable that you may want to hold onto the little free time you have, cashing in on some “me” time. However, you have probably come to recognize that this is not sustainable and leaves you feeling tired and depleted the following day. If you are in the habit of doing this, it can be a sign that you are dealing with the fairly-new phenomenon known as revenge bedtime procrastination.

How Infertility Can Impact Your Mental Health

How Infertility Can Impact Your Mental Health

Infertility is a problem across many cultures, impacting millions of adults and couples and taking a toll on their mental health during the process. It is understandable how infertility may impact you or your partner. You may have had a dream of becoming a parent and creating your own family but, now, you feel like you are being robbed of that dream. As an individual trying for a child, it is common to experience increased levels of anxiety and emotional distress. If you are in a position where fertility treatments are not successful, it is common to experience grief and loss.

As you move forward on your journey to parenthood, taking care of your mental health is one of the most important things you can do during this life transition

6 Ways to Effectively Reduce Stress

6 Ways to Effectively Reduce Stress

Whether you are coping with a mental health disorder, like anxiety or depression, or trying to go through a major life transition, stress is a part of life. You cannot always control life’s circumstances, but you can control how you respond to them! 

Although stress is a normal part of life, there is such a thing as overwhelming or chronic stress. Chronic stress is when the stress is constant and persists over an extended period of time, becoming debilitating and interfering with your ability to complete daily tasks. 

Chronic stress can impact your well-being. Therefore, having effective stress-reduction techniques is a must. It is important to note that stress reduction techniques are not one-size-fits-all. In fact, the process of finding a stress reduction method that works for you may take some trial and error and that is perfectly normal. What works for you, may not work for the next person and vice versa.

By having multiple stress relief tools at your disposal, you can be well-equipped to manage your stress when it arises. By having this arsenal, you will be able to pinpoint which tools work the best for you.

At Home With the Furys: A Look Into Mental Health

At Home With the Furys: A Look Into Mental Health

Netflix’s new smash hit reality television show, At Home With the Furys, features the life of famous British boxer, Tyson Fury, also known as the Gypsy King, and his family. Tyson and his wife, Paris Fury, share six children together, and reside in Morecambe, England. 

Tyson has a larger-than-life public persona and has a professional boxing record of 33-0, winning 24 of his matches by knockout (KO). Despite his enormous professional success, the views of At Home With the Furys gain deeper insight into his life, including the challenges he faces.

As soon as you start watching At Home With the Furys, you recognize that there is something inherently different about this show from other ones. It is not because it is a reality show or a show featuring an athlete who was rather private. It is different because the show offers an unfiltered look into Tyson’s mental health and the way that his mental health diagnoses impact his family and the people around him.

By showing that even one of the world’s greatest athletes has mental health issues, hopefully we can illuminate the current mental health crisis that is going on and show people that it is okay to not be okay.

Why Do We Cancel Plans When We’re Anxious?

Why Do We Cancel Plans When We’re Anxious?

We have all been there before- your anxiety creeps up, makes you rethink why you said “yes” to the plans in the first place, and then, eventually, you start brainstorming reasons as to why you are canceling. 

It can be uncomfortable to say “no”, especially if you struggle with pleasing people. If you think this may be something you struggle with, check out our blog “How To Know If You’re A People-Pleaser and The Psychology Behind It.” You may feel like you are letting someone down when you say “no” or you may feel like you are not good enough for the task at hand. Sometimes, your anxiety can get in the way and make it impossible for you to follow through on commitments.

In its most basic form, having plans can give you something fun to look forward to on your calendar and can fulfill your basic need for human connection. But, at its worst, it can leave you feeling like you are obligated to do something, dreaming about crossing out this event on your calendar in a bold black Sharpie.

Navigating the Mental Health Diagnosis of A Family Member

Navigating the Mental Health Diagnosis of A Family Member

In recent years, there has been a concerning rise in the prevalence of mental health issues worldwide. This increase can be attributed to various factors, including societal changes, economic pressures, and the impact of technological advancements. The fast-paced nature of modern life, coupled with increasing work demands and social expectations, has created a breeding ground for stress, anxiety, and depression. For more on this topic check out our blog “3 Ways to Achieve Work Life Balance”. 

Moreover, the major influence of social media and the constant exposure to unrealistic standards of beauty, success, and happiness have contributed to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem among individuals of all ages. It is vital for our society to recognize the significance of mental health and prioritize efforts to destigmatize seeking help, enhance access to mental health services, and promote mental and physical well-being. 

Men’s Mental Health: Why You Need To Ask For Help

Men’s Mental Health: Why You Need To Ask For Help

Generally speaking, mental health has been an overlooked topic. Up until recently, mental health has not been discussed, or even acknowledged, publicly. Slowly but surely, times are starting to change but these changing tides do not always include all groups of people. More specifically, men are often exempt from the discussion on mental health issues.

The mental health of boys and men is rarely talked about even though it can take a heavy toll on their lives. When mental health issues go untreated, it can have serious impacts on one’s quality of life and physical health, going as far as to impact their life expectancy. Ignored emotional and mental health problems impact a man’s ability to fully function in society and within his family

What You Need To Know To Find A Gender-Affirming Therapist

What You Need To Know To Find A Gender-Affirming Therapist

A person’s sex is usually assigned at birth. It is primarily determined by external genitalia, but other factors, such as hormones, chromosomes, and internal organs, can serve as a confirmation. At birth, newborns are labeled as male or female and, in some unique situations, as intersex. 

One’s gender identity refers to the subjective sense that a person has that they are male, female, or other. A person’s gender identity is determined by their brain rather than their sexual anatomy. It is agreed upon that most children have a sense of their gender identity by the age of four years old, although it may occur earlier or later in life depending on the individual. 

You may feel like the gender assigned to you at birth does not fit you. Maybe you feel uncomfortable about certain gender stereotypes. Perhaps you struggle with parts of your body. Whatever the cause for concern is, your feelings surrounding your gender are valid.

In the beginning, you may have more questions than answers, and that is okay. Luckily, a LGBTQIA+-affirming therapist can assist you throughout your gender transition, affirming you each step of the way.

How to Cope with Life Transitions as a Senior Citizen

How to Cope with Life Transitions as a Senior Citizen

As you grow older, you experience many life transitions. As we age, many people associate aging with our changing physical bodies, but it goes beyond that. While aging certainly affects different body parts and our psychological processes, there is a collective aging that occurs as well.

For example, the opportunities and expectations change as you age. Additionally, there are institutional obstacles you may face, such as certain stereotypes and a form of discrimination known as ageism. 

There are developmental changes that occur over time and situational changes that relate to a particular set of circumstances or it may be linked to health and illness. All of these changes and more can be categorized as life transitions.

How Childhood Trauma Can Cause Anxiety, Depression, & PTSD

How Childhood Trauma Can Cause Anxiety, Depression, & PTSD

Childhood trauma can have a long lasting impact on people. If you suffer from childhood trauma, you may be more at risk for developing anxiety, depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and other mental disorders. By unpacking your trauma with a trauma therapist or anxiety counselor, you'll be able to process those memories and emotions, and feel like your best self again!

What Is Childhood Trauma?

Childhood trauma is the experience of an event by a child or teen that is emotionally painful or distressful, which often results in lasting mental and physical effects. Childhood trauma can occur when a child witnesses or experiences overwhelming negative events in childhood. Children are too young to process events they experienced which causes them to repress, or bury, the memory.

3 Ways to Manage Your Physical Anxiety Symptoms

3 Ways to Manage Your Physical Anxiety Symptoms

If you have anxiety, you know what it feels like to be worried, nervous, and/or afraid about typical everyday events. Your anxiety can feel upsetting and difficult to manage. Anxiety can make your life a daily struggle, and may even leave you questioning many things- from your safety to your own anxiety symptoms. 

Oftentimes, anxiety can physically manifest in your body. Many people may think that they are being dramatic or simply imagining the physical symptoms of anxiety, but they are 100% real. Some people with anxiety may experience physical symptoms while others may not. 

Think back to a time where you felt nervous. Perhaps you were preparing for a big presentation at work and you noticed that your palms started to sweat and your legs felt shaky. Maybe you were preparing for a first date, and started to experience some dating anxiety. You may have begun to feel sick to your stomach and experienced an increased heart rate. You might have linked these physical symptoms to nervousness, but were unsure of the exact reason as to why you did not feel good.

Most people will experience anxiety on occasion; however, if you have an anxiety disorder, these feelings and symptoms may be the norm for you.