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A College Student's Guide to Making the Most Out of Summer Break

A College Student's Guide to Making the Most Out of Summer Break

Summer break time! Finally the semester has come to a close and you can breathe after the immense amount of work put into the last two semesters. You made it, congratulations! College students can finally say goodbye to lectures and exams, and say hello to adventures with friends, vacations, and a temporary escape from academic responsibilities, woohoo!

For many, it's a time of freedom, exploration, and relaxation but oftentimes, navigating the shift to summer break and the significant change from your usual routine can feel daunting. This often leaves you uncertain about maximizing your time away from campus. Remember these feelings are normal and expected and there are ways to combat this. In this blog, we'll dive into various tips and strategies to navigate summer break successfully. I will help you aim for enjoyment, productivity, and self-improvement.

How Can CBT Help College Students Struggling with Anxiety?

How Can CBT Help College Students Struggling with Anxiety?

While college can be a great time for growth, social exploration, and fun, it can also be a time filled with stress. Especially during this time of the year, final exams are in full swing and you may feel like you have a lot on your plate. Whether you are just dealing with the stress of your schoolwork or you are also trying to balance work and other responsibilities, college can easily breed feelings of anxiety.

In addition to your responsibilities, many people struggle with the changes that college can bring about. You are no longer surrounded by your family and friends. Your everyday routine has changed in a big way.

Some common causes of anxiety in college students include:

  • Academic pressure

  • Moving away from home

  • New social situations

  • Financial stressors

Many college students report having anxiety so you are not alone! By learning about your anxiety and working with a therapist who specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, also known as CBT, you can make positive changes in your life and learn how to manage your anxiety!

Navigating Life After College

Navigating Life After College

Congratulations on graduating from college! It is undeniably an exciting time in your life. You worked hard for four years and now your dedication has paid off. It is a major accomplishment, and you should be proud of yourself. However, once that diploma is in your hand, you may feel a mixture of emotions- feeling anxious, excited, scared, nervous about your future. If you feel this way, please know that you are not alone and it is completely normal to have these feelings.

Many college students are not prepared for the transition after graduation. Some graduates wish that they would have been more engaged on campus or taken part in different academic and professional opportunities. Other students wish that they would have prepared themselves more for the workforce by participating in an internship or externship. While it is easy to look back and think of what you could have done better, it is important to ground yourself in the present moment and know that you accomplished the ultimate goal- graduating from college.