About antonio rudo, lpc

Antonio Rudo LPC headshot photo

Hi! My name is Antonio Rudo and I am a psychotherapist at Anchor Therapy in downtown Hoboken, New Jersey. I not only provide in-person sessions, but I also provide the flexibility of virtual therapy sessions to residents of New Jersey and Florida. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor, Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, Disaster Response Crisis Counselor, and Approved Clinical Supervisor. I have 15+ years of experience providing individual, couples, and family therapy to teens, adults, and couples of various ages, backgrounds, issues, and stages of recovery in community-based mental health centers and hospital settings. Now, I’m here to help you.

Change can be scary, even when it’s good. My goal is to help you find your path, build your confidence, enhance your well-being, and achieve your goals. I take a collaborative, strengths-based approach that focuses on the skills you already possess while identifying and harnessing new skills. 

I have significant experience treating young adults and adults trying to navigate the challenges life presents while exploring their identities. I specialize in helping people who are experiencing anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, relationship difficulties, trauma, and life transitions using cognitive-behavioral (CBT), EMDR, solution-focused, and person-centered therapy. I tailor my approach to each client's unique needs and preferences. I believe in the power of empathy and understanding, and I strive to build a strong rapport with my clients based on trust and mutual respect.

I believe in the value of therapy, and I believe in you. If you’re ready to begin your journey, I’ll be here to support you along the way. 

Fun Facts about me: I love animals! Sushi is my favorite food. I enjoy drawing, going to shows, karaoke, and singing (badly). As you may be able to tell, humor is an important form of self-care for me.

More about how I could help…

+ Anxiety

  • I have worked with many clients to address anxiety since the beginning of my career. I assist clients in identifying the origins of their anxiety, triggers, and ways to address these factors through the use of multiple therapeutic approaches.
  • I believe it is essential to identify the unique needs, goals, and expectations of each individual client and incorporate the most appropriate combination of clinically-proven treatment approaches to address those areas. In utilizing this eclectic orientation, I tailor the therapeutic process to each client to facilitate change and work toward goals.

+ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • I utilize cognitive behavioral therapy as one of the foundational elements of the therapy process. I work with clients to identify the connection between thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and how they reinforce one another to create patterns. I will then assist clients in developing ways to modify these thoughts, feelings, and behavior patterns to produce the change they are seeking.


  • Couples therapy can be beneficial at any stage of the relationship. Relationships take a lot of work and understanding to deal with stressful life situations. Whether you are struggling with communication, infidelity, loss of intimacy, or just feeling plain stuck, couples therapy can be a great tool to help you move forward. You and your partner will be able to better understand the problem, learn how to improve communication, and change problem behaviors in a healthy way. No matter the current situation, counseling can help a couple better understand each other’s needs and learn how to maintain a life of satisfaction and teamwork.

  • A recently engaged couple might find it a great opportunity to openly discuss future goals, hopes, and fears for the future, while a couple of many years can use therapy to find ways to help their relationship maintain its excitement and romance. I have worked with couples from all backgrounds including the LGBTQIA+ and polyamorous communities, and work to develop a strategy that best fits the needs of each couple. Couples counseling is a great way to strengthen your relationship so you can come together during times of major life change and transition.

  • Common areas of concern addressed in couples counseling include issues with:

  • Money

  • Parenting

  • Sex

  • Infidelity

  • In-laws

  • Chronic health issues

  • Infertility

  • Gambling

  • Substance use

  • Emotional distance

  • Frequent conflict

+ Depression

  • I have worked with many clients to address depression since the beginning of my career. I assist clients in identifying the origins of their anxiety, triggers, and ways to address these factors through the use of multiple therapeutic approaches.


  • If you are feeling stuck or overwhelmed by past traumas, EMDR can help! I understand that healing from traumatic occurrences is a personal journey and, through EMDR therapy, I’ll be here to help you each and every step of the way. EMDR is a popular, evidence-based treatment where you focus on the trauma memory while experiencing bilateral stimulation (generally eye movements) at the same time. This process decreases the vividness and emotion stored within your trauma memories, leading to these memories becoming more manageable experiences. Many clients find the structure of EMDR to be appealing.


  • I see many LGBTQIA+ clients who are in need of support. I not only treat individuals, but also couples within the LGBTQIA+ community as well. I also have experience in helping polyamorous couples. Some issues I help with includes helping clients with their coming out process, parenting a child who came out, gender or sexual identity questioning, experiencing discrimination/bullying, relationship issues, transitioning, and any other stressors that may arise. While your identity may not even be a stressor, some people are looking for a therapist who they can feel comfortable seeing which is why I think it’s important to express my comfort and knowledge in working with this population. I prefer He/His pronouns, and prefer to be called Antonio. I am part of the LGBTQ+ community.

+ Mindfulness-based Interventions

  • I believe that it is essential to understand the connection between physical, mental, and emotional health by being in the present moment in the most nonjudgmental way possible to develop increased awareness of thoughts and feelings. I work to assist clients in developing skills to enhance this awareness and nurture a sense of inner peace.

+ Self-esteem

  • I have worked with many clients to address self-esteem since the beginning of my career. I believe that addressing self-esteem is essential to many aspects of life and mental health. I assist clients in working to identify and modify maladaptive thoughts and behaviors to enhance mood, decrease worry, improve confidence, manage stress, and develop healthy relationships.

+ substance abuse counseling

  • I have extensive experience working with people who have unhealthy addictions, such as substance abuse. Often people turn to substances as a way of dealing with their stress. Therapy can provide you with healthier coping tools that will not only help you better manage your stress, but also will guide you in decreasing your substance use. Through this process you will be able to feel happier and more productive.
  • You may have noticed over time that your one glass of wine or one joint at night after a stressful day has increased overtime. Your drinking or drug use may have reached a point that others around you are commenting about it. You may also find yourself feeling worse emotionally and/or physically after using. Drugs or alcohol are no longer helping you to relax at the end of your day and have become a problem in your life. You have reached a point that you cannot go a day without substances or you are finding yourself indulging more than you feel you should.
  • Instead of focusing most of your energy on when the next time you will get to use or drink again will be, I will help you use this energy to focus on staying sober.
  • I can help you identify the stressors that lead you to using so that we can then prepare a step-by-step plan of the healthy coping techniques you will use to get through that day. I am here to help you figure out what will help you the most and to help keep you accountable through this process.
  • Once you are sober, then we will be able to strengthen other parts of your life including your relationships, job/school, health and self-care.


  • Being a teen can be extremely stressful as you have a lot to worry about. Teens are experiencing an increase in anxiety and depression symptoms which parents have to look out for. It’s common for teens to feel a low self-esteem due to what others say on Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, anonymous app’s, etc. There may be changes in friendships and relationships which cause stress, anxiety, and sadness. The application process to get into high school in Hudson County can be as stressful as applying to colleges.
  • I personally think every teen could use therapy as it’s such a stressful time in anyone’s life. It is a time they’re trying to figure out their identity, which is stressful enough. I have a great bond with all of the teen clients I see and really enjoy my work with them. I keep up-to-date with social media, pop culture, TV shows, and movies they’re watching so that we can speak the same language. I genuinely enjoy seeing the progress a teen client can make in therapy and find it so rewarding once they “graduate” from therapy with more confidence.


  • Are you looking for the option of virtual therapy? I offer the option of telehealth sessions (video and phone counseling). If you are residing in New Jersey or Florida then you are eligible for telehealth services with me. Telehealth sessions are great if you have a sick child at home, you’re sick yourself, there’s a snow storm, you’re stuck at work, you’re traveling, or you just prefer to do a session while in your pajamas in the comfort of your own home. I treat telehealth sessions as the same as in-person and find them just as beneficial in our work together. The ability to do telehealth sessions also comes with more flexibility in scheduling.


  • I have extensive experience working with people who have suffered from various forms of trauma. I am a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional Counselor and Certified Clinical Trauma Professional. Trauma can leave you feeling lost and confused because it effects the body and mind in different ways. You may have difficulty sleeping at night or feel like your thoughts and emotions are out of your control. Whether it occurred last week or years prior, trauma symptoms can be triggered at any time.

  • High rates of depression and anxiety are also common, which sometimes makes it difficult to distinguish from other mental health issues. I use trauma-informed care to help my clients identify and understand the situations in their lives that damaged their sense of safety and wellbeing. I utilize mindfulness, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), and trauma focused tools to help work through the trauma and regain a sense of control. A wide range of life events can cause trauma, and some are easier to recognize than others.

  • Trauma-informed therapy is not just for people with an obvious source of trauma such as violence and abuse, but also applies to those with a history of loss or difficulties that have impacted the way you experience the world. Once you are able to learn healthy coping skills, you will be able to see the future with a new outlook.

+ YOUNG Adults

  • Young adults have a hard time adjusting to change as their life transitions. Either you’re in college and having a hard time balancing school and relationships or you are transitioning into the working world and finding that it is not everything you’d hope it’d be. You may find that you’ve found success in your career, but continue to experience relationship issues, anxiety, or depression. Whenever there’s a life event, such as graduating from college, getting married, having a baby, a breakup, a career change, etc., you will feel some form of stress. I help my clients by coming up with ways they can cope with this stress in a healthy way. This is a time in your life where there are constant decisions that need to be made. You may fear that you’re making the wrong decisions and don’t know what your future holds. That’s a common fear for young adults, or young professionals, to experience.

What the next steps would look like…

The next step, if you feel I could be a good fit to help you or your loved one, would be to reach out to our intake coordinator Victoria by filling out the form at the bottom of this page. Victoria will give you all the information you need to know when setting up an appointment and to make sure you’re a good fit with the therapist you’re requesting. When reaching out, please explain a little bit about yourself (or who you want to bring in for therapy) and what you’re looking for help with. We would then discuss your availability to find a time to schedule your intake session.

You have the option of coming in-person for sessions or doing online therapy (video/phone sessions). I have availability on Mondays and Wednesdays, including evenings. While every person and family are different, I conduct an intake assessment in which we will discuss your struggles, your goals for therapy, and your history. If you are bringing in a teen who is under 18 years old then I will need a parent or guardian present and get some background information from you as well. This helps me get a full picture of who you are and how I can best help you or your teen. You also may find it helpful to attend the intake session without your teen so that you can speak openly about your concerns.

Honestly the hardest part of starting therapy is finding a therapist who’s available and a good fit. That’s why I try to explain here how I work with my clients. If this seems like a good fit then feel free to reach out! Our intake coordinator, Victoria, will get back to every client who reaches out through the form on our website. If Victoria finds that we are not a good fit for whatever reason, then she will see if there’s another therapist at Anchor Therapy who can help you or she will direct you to another professional in the area who can best help you.

Please feel free to contact our intake coordinator Victoria and we can start the process of helping you or your loved one feel better soon.


  • Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in Psychology at Caldwell College

  • Masters in Clinical and Counseling Psychology from William Paterson University

  • New Jersey Licensed Professional Counselor, License #37PC00442800

  • Florida Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Registration #TPMF1130

  • Certified EMDR Therapist

  • Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP)

  • Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS)

  • Disaster Response Crisis Counselor

  • 15+ years of mental health clinical experience

  • Part of the LGBTQ+ community

Antonio has experience working with the following:

Antonio’s areas of specialization include:


As your therapist, Antonio finds it important to adapt and individualize each client’s plan of care to better fit your needs. Antonio has training in and incorporates the following evidenced-based practice methods:

Browse our beautiful Hoboken counseling office photos below…

Contact Us


  1. Fill out the contact form below.

  2. Our intake coordinator will get back to you with more information on how we can help and to schedule an appointment. We will set you up with an experienced licensed therapist who specializes in what you're seeking help with and who understands your needs.

  3. You’ll rest easy tonight knowing you made the first step to improve your life.