nyc therapist

How To Know If You're A People-Pleaser And The Psychology Behind It

How To Know If You're A People-Pleaser And The Psychology Behind It

People-pleasers are known to do whatever necessary to avoid conflict and confrontation. Being kind and helpful is a generally good thing; however, there are some cases where it can be taken too far. This can leave you feeling emotionally depleted, stress, and anxiety-ridden. At the expense of your mental health, you may place other people’s needs above yours.

Additionally, as a people-pleaser, your constant need for approval and acceptance can create a specific type of vulnerability. For example, your people-pleasing behaviors may cause you to self-sabotage for several reasons. You may feel a compulsion to act selflessly, but it can be self-destructive if it is taken to an extreme end of the spectrum.

Selena Gomez’s Raw Honesty With Mental Health: My Mind and Me Documentary

Selena Gomez’s Raw Honesty With Mental Health: My Mind and Me Documentary

Spoilers ahead if you have not watched Selena Gomez’s documentary, “My Mind and Me” yet!

Selena Gomez’s much-anticipated documentary, entitled My Mind and Me, hit Apple TV on November 2nd, 2022. The documentary follows Selena Gomez, an American singer, actress, producer, and philanthropist, after years of growing up and living life in the public eye. Gomez began acting as a child in Barney & Friends. Soon after, she blossomed into a full-blown star, landing a hit tv show on the Disney channel and becoming one of the most-followed celebrities. However, with all of this success also came its fair share of challenges. Specifically, mental health challenges.

My Mind and Me offers a raw glimpse into the life of Gomez over a six year period. While Gomez has spent much of her life in the spotlight, she largely remains a very private person. The public may know details about Gomez from her famous social relationships, like her friendship with Taylor Swift and previous relationship with Justin Bieber, but we do not know much about Gomez’s personality, let alone her mental health struggles.

After watching My Mind and Me, there are many important lessons we can take away from the documentary.
Gomez opens up the documentary with a pledge, “Let me make a promise. I’ll only tell you my darkest secrets.” This statement holds true for the entirety of the film. Gomez showed an undeniable amount of vulnerability throughout the documentary, encompassing detailing her struggles with Bipolar Disorder to her health battles with the autoimmune disease lupus. Gomez’s level of honesty and bravery is an inspiration to people everywhere.

Why You’re Depressed Around Your Period: All About PMDD

Why You’re Depressed Around Your Period: All About PMDD

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a health problem that affects millions of teen and adult women. It is similar to Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS), but PMDD is more serious. PMDD has many serious health consequences, including irritability, depression, and anxiety. These symptoms typically occur one to two weeks before your period starts and start wearing off two to three days after your period starts.

PMDD is often referred to as “severe PMS” since it causes a range of emotional and physical symptoms. Many women experience symptoms of PMS. You may even have severe PMS symptoms, and simply acknowledge them as “normal” since you do not know how else to feel. With PMDD, the symptoms are harsh and it can have a great impact on your life. It can be difficult to work, go to school, socialize with other people, and form healthy connections. If you think you may be struggling with PMDD, continue to read this blog.

How Counseling Can Help You Break OCD Habits

How Counseling Can Help You Break OCD Habits

If you struggle with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), you may feel like you are living in a vicious cycle of thoughts, feelings, and rituals. One helpful way to try to stop the cycle is to break OCD habits by changing or delaying your rituals. Unfortunately, breaking OCD habits on your own can be extremely hard. Therefore, an OCD therapist can help assist you in this process.

For example, let us say that you have an unpleasant thought that randomly “pops” into your head. This uncomfortable thought could be something like shouting something inappropriately in public. If you fasten unhelpful meanings to a thought (e.g., in our specific example, you could be thinking “I am someone who is not socially graceful”), that will only lead to more anxiety. When you get anxious, you may begin to look for any methods to tame your spiraling thoughts.

When you have OCD, the ways in which you attempt to lessen your anxiety may vary. For instance, you may obsessively check in with your friends and family to ensure that you do not lose your social connections and that, in fact, you are socially graceful. You may feel the need to check in on your loved ones a set number of times throughout each day or at specific times. Thus, it is the continuous cycle of OCD.

While these strategies can help in the short-term to lessen anxiety, you will only need to do them more and more often because your “bad” thoughts appear more frequently when you try to push them away. This can easily lead to you feeling trapped because you do not know what to do if you do not use some sort of coping skills or strategies. Your life can begin to feel controlled by your “bad” thoughts and your constant need to control them.

How To Support Someone Who Is Grieving

How To Support Someone Who Is Grieving

When a loved one loses someone important in their life, it does not just disrupt their day-to-day activities, but it changes their life forever. When someone you love experiences the death of a loved one, especially a sudden and unexpected passing, it is difficult to know how to offer support and comfort. You may not know what to say and you may even be afraid to say the wrong thing.

This can particularly be the case if you have not experienced the loss of a person before. You may not know how to relate to the other person since you never experienced those emotions. The truth is that, even if you have experienced feelings of grief, it is still hard to know how to console a relative or friend who is grieving. Even if it seems like nothing you can say or do will help the situation, do not stop offering your support and condolences. Accept that you cannot fix the situation, and focus on the present.

Grief is a gradual process. All you can do is be there as a pillar of support for your friend or relative, and hold a positive attitude about the future. Something as small as sending flowers, delivering a meal, or helping out your loved one with household tasks can be an immense source of help.

No matter what, try to be flexible and open to your loved one’s method of grieving. Grieving looks different for everyone. For example, if a friend loses a person who they had a close relationship with, but you want to continue your weekend tradition of getting brunch, still extend the invitation to your friend. Be prepared for your friend to say “no” and be accepting of their choice, but simply offering them that sense of support and “normalcy” during a chaotic time can be helpful. If your friend declines the offer, that is okay. You can check in on them the next day.

4 Ways To Cope With A Panic Disorder

4 Ways To Cope With A Panic Disorder

Some people experience panic attacks once or twice during their life, but others experience them constantly and more abruptly. Nobody likes to have panic attacks, and having them non-stop can take a toll on you. Panic disorders are exhausting and scary. A panic disorder is basically an ongoing case of unpredictable, intense panic attacks. The mental and physical symptoms can be so intense that seeking outside help, like the assistance of a panic disorder therapist near you, can be a great way to help you get the support you need.

Despite your best efforts to convince yourself that you are okay, panic attacks can still occur. While there is no universal magic cure to panic attacks, there are effective methods that you can learn to help manage your symptoms. This blog will give you a deeper understanding of panic attacks and panic disorder and what you can do to overcome and cope with them.

Do I Have A Social Media Addiction?

Do I Have A Social Media Addiction?

We’ve all heard it before- social media seriously impacts your mental health. But how does it do so? The constant news can be conflicting. Some reports claim that social media can be an amazing tool for networking and connection, bringing people together like never before. On the other hand, other sources tell us of the detrimental impact social media can have on our mental health, advocating for temporarily disabling your social media accounts and limiting screen time.

Human beings are social creatures. We need connection to other people to thrive and grow to our fullest potential. The strength of those relationships can have a big impact on your happiness and overall mental health.