The year 2020 will probably be known in future history books as one of the most challenging years to live through. Usually at this time of the year, people are reflecting on the past year and what is to come in the new year. While you are reflecting, you may think to yourself that you should accomplish some things before the year ends that you may not have checked off your list or had time to complete.
My overall answer as to what you must do before the end of the year is: NOTHING. Absolutely nothing. This year has taken its toll and your stress levels may be at an all time high. Hopefully you have some time off from work/school coming up that you can finally take some time to relax. You do not need to be productive at all times. It is actually more beneficial to take breaks and time off so that you can be at your highest level when you return. Don’t let anyone else make you feel like you should be productive at all moments of the day. You should never feel bad for relaxing. Relaxing can actually be purposeful and feel productive as well. Below are some tips on how to relax before the end of this year.
Anchor Therapy is a counseling center in Hoboken, NJ with psychotherapists specialized in helping children, teens, adults, and couples with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, trauma, and life transitions. Anchor Therapy is accepting new clients and is now providing telehealth (video/phone) sessions to residents of New Jersey and New York.
Get moving
This year you probably spent a lot of time sitting between your desk on your laptop and your couch watching Netflix. A great way to take time for yourself and practice self-care is to get in some movement! This can also be a time to catch up on a Podcast or music that you’ve been wanting to listen to. Go for a mindful walk by noticing what you are hearing, smelling, seeing, tasting, and touching. By getting some movement outside it will allow you to take a break from everything and everyone around you who may need something from you.
Read a book
You hopefully have some time off from work/school this holiday season. Take the time to read a good book that you may have been putting off this year or felt you had no time to read. Reading for pleasure is usually a great way to practice self-care and escape into another world.
Watch a TV show/movie
There have been a lot of great new TV shows and some new movies that you can watch on streaming services. Now may be the time to catch up on the most talked about shows that everyone else seems to have had the time to binge watch. Watching an enjoyable TV show or movie can be a great way to relax and also escape into another reality. It can also be a fun thing to discuss with others who have watched the same program.
Mindfully Do Nothing
Like I mentioned at the beginning of this blog, the goal is to ultimately do nothing before the year ends. There is a way to do this intentionally and mindfully. Meditation is a great way that you could reach ultimate relaxation for your mind and body. Look up guided meditations on YouTube, Podcasts or download an App like the Calm App. Just 5 minutes a day of meditation has shown to decrease symptoms of anxiety and it can help increase attention.
Take a bath
You may not have taken a bath in years or maybe you took a bath on your last vacation. If you have a bath in your home, I recommend getting a great smelling bath bomb, fragrances, candles, and/or bubbles, and get that bath started! Light a candle and relax. Bring in some music, a podcast, a book, guided meditation, or just relax with your own thoughts. This is a special and easy treat that you can give yourself to help you relax.
Hopefully you will commit to intentionally doing nothing with your upcoming time off. Try to do all 5 items listed above if you can or create your own version of doing nothing! As long as you feel relaxed then that is the goal. 2020 was a hard enough year and you should not put pressure on yourself to be your most productive as the year is ending. Now is the time to relax and take a break.
How do you know if you need to take a break?
You’re impatient and easily agitated
When you are feeling stressed, you can become easily irritated with others and you may lose your temper a lot quicker. You may find that you are short with others. If you have been noticing that you are becoming easily angry at others, and you are not sure why, then that means you need to take a break and practice some self-care.
You have a hard time focusing
If you are becoming easily forgetful lately and/or if you are finding that you can’t keep track of things then it means that you are overwhelming your brain too much. You need to take this time off at the end of the year to recharge your brain and relax.
You get less enjoyment from things you typically enjoy doing
If you are noticing that you are having a hard time enjoying your typical hobbies or tasks then it means you are becoming burnt out, overwhelmed, and/or depressed. The best way to combat burnout and overwhelm is to take a break. If you are feeling more depressed than usual then it may be a good time to seek professional help from a licensed therapist.
You are feeling under the weather
With COVID-19, you most likely are trying to avoid getting sick at all. If you find your throat hurting or exhaustion creeping in then it could increase your anxiety more than usual that you may be sick with COVID-19. It’s always good to get a COVID-19 test to see what is going on. If you do not have COVID-19 then it is possible that your body is reaching its breaking point and you need to physically relax more.
This is a common thing that people experience when they are overwhelmed. They feel a lack of energy and motivation throughout the day and then when it is time for sleep their mind is nonstop working. This is common when you are constantly stressed. To decrease your stress, take a break!
I hope these tips are helpful to you so that you can prioritize your self-care and recognize your time off from work/school as a much needed break. Take advantage of having more time available to yourself to practice self-care and recharge your mind and body before the new year.
Courtney Glashow, LCSW
is a licensed psychotherapist practicing in Hoboken, New Jersey. She specializes in helping teens and adults with anxiety, depression, and life transitions through counseling. Courtney can help NY or NJ residents through telehealth (video/phone) therapy sessions as well.